When it comes to our health, we often don’t think about it until something goes wrong. We wait until we’re sick or injured to go to the doctor; by then, it might be too late. To stay healthy, we need to make our health a priority. That means ensuring we eat right, get enough exercise, and sleep. It also means learning how to deal with stress and anxiety. And if we ever feel down or depressed, we must know how to get help.

It’s no secret that mental health is equally essential. After all, our mental health impacts everything from our relationships to our work performance. Yet, despite its importance, mental health is often overlooked and given less priority than other health issues. This is especially true regarding free content on health and wellness. While there are plenty of articles and videos on physical fitness and nutrition, mental health is often left out of the conversation. This needs to change. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and we can’t achieve true wellness without caring for our minds. By providing free mental health resources, we can help people to live happier, healthier lives.

As anyone who’s ever tried to Google a medical symptom knows, it’s surprisingly difficult to find reliable health information online. Sure, there are a few reputable sites, but for the most part, the internet is full of questionable advice and dangerous misinformation. That’s why many news outlets and scientific journals have implemented paywalls, requiring readers to pay for access to articles. While this may seem frustrating, paywalls play an important role in maintaining the quality of health information online. By providing a financial incentive for writers to produce accurate and well-researched articles, paywalls help to ensure that people can find trustworthy information when they need it most. In a world where mental health is more important than ever, that’s a valuable service.

However, Feel Like a Charm will remain free and still provide original and authentic content on every aspect of health and wellness.